The MAVEN Parent Podcast

The MAVEN Parent Podcast

Hosted by: Brett and Erin Kunkle

Brett and Erin Kunkle guide you through Christian parenting in a secular culture, with wisdom and a bunch of practical help.

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5 Conversations You Should Have With Your Teens Before They Date

Dating is huge topic, and it's changed very much, very fast over the years. How do we prepare our kids to enter the world of dating? What kinds of conversations should parents be having to help them develop a healthy...
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Helping Your Kids Navigate the Wonderful World of Dating

For many parents and adults, the topic of teenage dating in the modern world may be confusing, a source of frustration or even the cause of serious anxiety and fear. Things have changed...a lot! In addition, our kids...
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Answering Kids' Questions About Scripture w/ Tim Barnett

Kids sometimes ask excellent questions about Scripture: "How did we get the Bible?" "How do we know that the Bible is from God?" "What does God-breathed mean?" It can leave us wondering, "wait, do I even know the...
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Build the Authority of God's Word in Your Kids' Lives

As Christians, the most authoritative presence in our lives is Scripture. It speaks to every area of life and teaches us how to follow Christ. But why is it so authoritative? We learned last week that the "who" behind...
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What Happened to Our Trust in Authority?

There is a crisis of authority in our culture. Across the board there is more distrust in our once authoritative institutions: politics, parents, universities, etc. But have you ever stopped to ask: What is authority?...
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Addressing the Growing Crisis of Authority in Parenting

Parenting is experiencing a crisis of authority. Gentle Parenting advocates say that the child is the authority, rather than the parent. In this episode, Brett and Erin analyze one example of this idea: A post by...
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This Year, You Transformed the Lives of the Next Generation

As December comes to an close and we look forward to 2025, we at MAVEN are reflecting on all you've helped us accomplish this year to impact the next generation. Thank you to all who have partnered with us over these...
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How the Myth of Santa Claus Prepares Our Children's Imaginations

One of the key questions at the heart of the Santa Claus debate is "Will telling my child about Santa cause them to doubt God?" It's a good question, and surely we don't want that to happen. But we also know that...
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How to Reasonably Celebrate Santa in a Christian Home

While believing in Santa as a little kid can be fun and even a little magical, there's a certain level of discernment and intentionality Christian parents need to have surrounding Santa in Christmas celebrations. How...
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Should You "Lie" to Your Kids about Santa?

Is it lying to tell your kids about Santa Claus? And if you "lie" to them about Santa, can it make them question other beliefs you've passed on to them—for instance, the existence of God? In this episode, Brett and...
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Building Advent Traditions Through Handel's Messiah w/ Cindy Rollins

Christmas season is upon us, and so are the flurry of advertisements and distractions from the culture drawing our attention away from this season's true meaning: the Birth of Christ, our Savior. As parents, what...
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Exposing Critical Theory's Grip on Our Culture w/ Neil Shenvi

Wokeness. Social justice. Critical race theory. Identity politics. How do we help our families and churches navigate a host of ideas that seem antithetical to Christianity? First, we must understand the worldview...
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