


Is Christianity actually true? And can we know it? Are there good reasons and evidence for the Christian faith?

True Story — An Apologetic For Christianity is a 6-lesson video course that will introduce you to apologetics—a reasonable defense of Christianity—and will illustrate how what we believe isn’t just wishful thinking or a leap of blind faith, but the truth about all of reality.

You will leave this course equipped to defend truth, God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible and Jesus as the only way.

Perfect for individual study, small groups, Bible studies or homeschool co-ops.


Where do you find your identity? What does it mean to be created in the Image of God? How does the Image of God apply in the real world?

The Image of God - Finding Our True Identity and Living It Out in the Real World is a 12-lesson on-demand video course, you will examine what Scripture says about your TRUE identity will tell you WHO you really are, WHAT you're supposed to do, and HOW life can be so rich and joyful and fulfilling, when we live according to God’s design, not our own.

Perfect for individual study, small groups, Bible studies or homeschool co-ops.


Who is God? What is the Gospel? How do we know what’s true when it comes to competing religious claims?

The Final Word — What Scripture Teaches About God, The Gospel & Mormonism is a 6-lesson video course that will give you a foundation of Christianity's central claims and contrast them with the false teaching of Mormonism. 

You’ll explore how Mormonism radically differs from biblical Christianity and come away equipped to share the true gospel with your Mormon friends and family.

Perfect for individual study, small groups, Bible studies, or homeschool co-ops.


Have you counted the cost of standing for truth? 

In our culture, every Christian is eventually confronted with this question: What do we do when we're asked to compromise the truth or else be canceled? From using preferred pronouns to signing diversity statements to posting a black square on social media, refusal to participate in culture's demands has cost many their jobs, families, or reputations. 

Navigating Cancel Culture is a 6-lesson video course, where you will build a theology of being canceled and learn how to meet cancel culture head-on when necessary. Now's the time to prepare, pray, read, and think through these issues. Offered in partnership with the Colson Center and the documentary "No Safe Spaces," this course will help you train ahead to cultivate truth and love in the midst of an angry world.


How does God's plan to restore all things affect our culture?

Our culture has unraveled in so many ways. It’s resulted in so much conflict, everywhere. Education. Media. Politics. Social media. Family. But let's not confuse the moment with the Story.

Restoration — Restoring God’s Design In A Broken World is a 6-lesson video course that will explore how God's restoration influences all spheres of our lives: how we see human value, fight for family, pursue answers about gender and sexuality, carry out the Church's mission, and educate the next generation.

Perfect for individual study, small groups, Bible studies, or homeschool co-ops.