Is Christianity actually true?
Are there good reasons and evidence for the Christian faith?
Do you long to effectively discuss your faith with a wayward child? Or perhaps you'd love to share the Gospel in a compelling way with an atheist friend at school? Apologetics training is how we master the art of effectively sharing this life-changing narrative.
Dive into the true story of Christianity. In this 6-lesson video course, you will be introduced to apologetics—a reasonable defense of Christianity—and uncover how the Christian narrative isn’t just wishful thinking or leap of blind faith, but tells us the truth about all reality.
In this online course you will master...
- Arguments for why Christianity is true
- Arguments for why objective truth exists apart from subjective personal experience
- Arguments for why God is real
- Arguments for why the Bible is reliable
- Arguments for why Jesus is the only way to eternal life
- How to communicate these truths effectively in your real-life conversations
This is the same video series that MAVEN uses with students and leaders as they prepare to embark on our week-long apologetics Immersive Experience. So, you’re going to get some in-depth training here that's easily applied in the real world.
You will leave this course prepped to defend and share the life-changing truth of God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible, and Jesus as the only way—no matter where you find yourself.
Course Modules

Why I Am A Christian?
Learn to define apologetics and why our answer to the question "Why are you a Christian?" is significant.

Truth Never Gets Old
Explore the key differences between objective truth and relativism and why we know objective truth exists.

God, Are You Out There?
Investigate the 3 truths that point to why we are confident God is real and master the key arguments for this truth.

Why Should I Trust The Bible?
Study the responses to the 3 key questions Christians MUST answer to establish the reliability of the Bible.

Only One Way
Unpack why our culture objects to Jesus as the only way to salvation and why we know Jesus' resurrection really happened.

The Allure Of Good Questions
Sharpen your ability to wield questions to make a compelling case for the truth of Christianity in your everyday conversations.

Meet The Instructor
Brett Kunkle
Founder & President of MAVEN
Brett Kunkle is the founder and president of MAVEN, a movement to equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty for the cause of Christ. He has more than 25 years of experience working with youth and parents. Brett is an associate editor for the Apologetics Study Bible for Students, author of The Ambassadors Guide to Mormonism and co-authored A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World and A Student’s Guide to Culture. He received his Master’s degree in philosophy of religion and ethics from Talbot School of Theology. Brett lives with his wife and five kids in Southern California.
Be An Active Learner
With each purchase of True Story - An Apologetic For Christianity, you'll receive access to our workbook that accompanies the course videos. The True Story workbook is 70-pages and includes fill-in-the-blank outlines, session review questions and additional discussion questions to take your learning to the next level. It has everything you'll need to be an active learner and master the course content inside and out.
Click the button below to take a peek at Session 1 in the workbook.
See Session 1Frequently Asked Questions
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Invest In Your Training
At MAVEN, we are dedicated to discipling you—whether you are a student, a parent, or a youth pastor—in the skills you need to shine the light of God's truth, beauty, and goodness in your family, church, and community. But it's up to you to take that extra step and invest in your apologetics and worldview training. When culture comes knocking, let's be ready to meet it.
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