Where do you find your identity?
What does it mean to be created in the Image of God?
How does the Image of God apply in the real world?
Our culture is obsessed with one singular question: What is your identity? We are constantly prescribed price tags and identity labels. But what does Scripture say about who we are?
Our identity as God’s image bearers should affect every single aspect of our lives. It tells us why we’re valuable and what amazing things we’re capable of. This idea has actually transformed the history of the world, and that is NOT an overstatement. In this 12-lesson on-demand video course, you will examine what Scripture says about your TRUE identity will tell you WHO you really are, WHAT you're supposed to do, and HOW life can be so rich and joyful and fulfilling, when we live according to God’s design, not our own.
In this online course you will discover...
- How your worldview works
- Why our culture is obsessed with identity and the consequences of bad ideas
- How to dispel the myth of of living your truth
- What Scripture says about the Imago Dei and what that means for you in real life
- Why morality matters
- How the Christian Worldview answers the existence of evil
- What it means to "find your identity in Christ"
- How to apply the Christian worldview to all areas of real life
Every single human being is created in God’s image. On this course journey, we hope you discover just how significant and revolutionary that idea really is. And that's exactly what this course is designed to do. In this course, you will receive practical, in-depth training that's easy to integrate in your real world conversations.
You will leave this course with a deep understanding of who you are in Christ and what it means to fully live this out in real life.
Course Modules

Uncover how worldviews determine everything and why it is essential to understand the structure of yours.

Human Identity
Take a hard look at our culture's obsession with identity and the consequences of bad ideas.

The Imago Dei
Cut through our culture's noise about living your truth and discover who you are in the eyes of God.

Your Price Tag
Explore the implications of the Imago Dei and what it says about your value and human life.

Something Is Wrong
Investigate why we must have answers to the essential worldview questions about right and wrong.

The Bad News
Learn how the Christian worldview answers the question of how there is evil in the world.

Saved FOR Something
Explore how Christians are different from our identity-obsessed culture.

The Good News
Discover how the the Christian worldview and the Gospel offer the ultimate resolution to reality's story.

Deepen your understanding of the last eight lessons with this review and learn how to apply this content to real-world scenarios.

God and Beauty
Explore what the Christian worldview says about beauty and discover your gifts, talents, and interests.

God and Money
Explore what how the Christian worldview helps you understand about the relationship between God and money.

Get to the heart of what the Image of God means with this concise summary of the course's big idea.

Meet The Instructor
Brett Kunkle
Founder & President of MAVEN
Brett Kunkle is the founder and president of MAVEN, a movement to equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty for the cause of Christ. He has more than 25 years of experience working with youth and parents. Brett is an associate editor for the Apologetics Study Bible for Students, author of The Ambassadors Guide to Mormonism and co-authored A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World and A Student’s Guide to Culture. He received his Master’s degree in philosophy of religion and ethics from Talbot School of Theology. Brett lives with his wife and five kids in Southern California.
Be An Active Learner
With each purchase of The Image of God - Finding Our True Identity and Living It Our in the Real World you'll receive access to our workbook that accompanies the course videos. The Image of God workbook is 68-pages and includes fill-in-the-blank outlines, session review questions and additional discussion questions to take your learning to the next level. It has everything you'll need to be an active learner and master the course content inside and out.
Click the button below to take a peek at Session 1 in the workbook.
See Session 1Frequently Asked Questions
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Invest In Your Training
At MAVEN, we are dedicated to discipling you—whether you are a student, a parent, or a youth pastor—in the skills you need to shine the light of God's truth, beauty, and goodness in your family, church, and community. But it's up to you to take that extra step and invest in your apologetics and worldview training. When culture comes knocking, let's be ready to meet it.
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