Dana Dill
I think most of us would like to help the youths of our day grow in wisdom, but sometimes our little nuggets of advice aren’t actually helpful. Occasionally, our sagely counsel, though thoroughly well-intentioned, ends up hamstringing them...
Brett Kunkle
An important, even indispensable, source of belief is testimony. It’s undeniable that we come to many, if not most, of our beliefs through testimony. Alvin Plantinga highlights its importance: “Testimony is the source of an enormously l...
Brett Kunkle
The fulfilled prophecies, unity, and impact of the Bible all point to a divine Author.
Fingerprints are one of the best forms of evidence. If a detective finds fingerprints at a crime scene, he has a vital clue to help identify the per...
Brett Kunkle
Bertrand Russell, the most prominent atheist of the 20th century, was asked what he would say if upon death he discovered God really did exist. Russell said, “I will tell Him He just did not give me enough evidence.”
Is lack of evidenc...
Brett Kunkle
I want to lay out a 5-step method I use to study Scripture. I’ll apply it to John 15:1–8 to illustrate the method. It’s not the only method, and it’s not an exhaustive method, but I hope you find it helpful as a tool in your personal st...
Brett Kunkle
She glared at me for the entire two hours. I didn’t know her and I didn’t know her story, but I knew this high schooler wasn’t happy. Apparently her mother had dragged her to my apologetics seminar at a local church in Oregon and sat he...
Brett Kunkle
A Summit student once asked me, “If Christianity is true, why do we need faith?” It's a good question. What is faith? Mapping out the distinction between belief-that and belief-in provides a helpful way to answer this question.
The tra...
By Brett Kunkle
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passio...
By Brett Kunkle
Incarnation. The word captures the essence of Christmas. Jesus, “who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant, and being ma...
By Brett Kunkle
A few years ago, I read a Christianity Today article titled “Go Overboard Celebrating Christmas.” A provocative title, especially given the Evangelical tendency to decry materialism and consumerism this time of year. Of course, those...
By Brett Kunkle
“Jesus is the only way to God” may be the most controversial claim of Christianity, so we had better have good reason for it. And I think we do.
What does Jesus say? Let’s start with Jesus. We certainly don’t want to claim something...
“Can God do anything?” I once asked an audience of Christians at an apologetics conference. I gave my answer and offered an explanation. Apparently, my answer was not well received by everyone, as one man in the audience was so incensed that he stood...