Dana Dill
I think most of us would like to help the youths of our day grow in wisdom, but sometimes our little nuggets of advice aren’t actually helpful. Occasionally, our sagely counsel, though thoroughly well-intentioned, ends up hamstringing them...
By Brett Kunkle
Christians talk too much. At least, they feel the pressure to.
In “Why I Am a Christian,” I tell students the first reason I’m a Christian is because it’s true, and that I’ve got good reasons to think so. When they hear this, studen...
By Brett Kunkle
Dear Friend,
Students need space to share their doubts. We all do. If serious questions about Christianity and uncertainty toward God are not recognized and explored, they remain in the heart and mind only to surface farther down th...
By Brett Kunkle
Porn isn’t a problem, it’s an epidemic. Even celebrities like Billie Eilish, Terry Crews, and Pamela Anderson (yes, that Pamela Anderson, the former Playboy model) are speaking out. So, where’s the church in this battle? Shouldn’t we...
By Brett Kunkle
Should Christians keep children in public schools to be "salt and light"? This, and the larger question of whether Christians should allow their kids to be publicly educated, period, are questions I have been wrestling with for some ...
By Brett Kunkle
The apologetics community could serve the church well not only by doing good work in the philosophy of religion and helping Christians defend the faith, but by helping believers think carefully about all spheres of life. There’s plen...
By Brett Kunkle
When you’re teaching, whether it’s apologetics or any other topic, it’s not just the information but also the presentation that counts. You may be able to dump theological knowledge on your audience, but that doesn’t mean it will sti...