By Brett Kunkle
Certainly, the host of intellectual challenges our young people face are a threat to their faith. But how often does the typical evangelical kid face the arguments of an atheist or a skeptic? Don’t misread me. Of course we must equ
...By Brett Kunkle
Porn isn’t a problem, it’s an epidemic. Even celebrities like Billie Eilish, Terry Crews, and Pamela Anderson (yes, that Pamela Anderson, the former Playboy model) are speaking out. So, where’s the church in this battle? Shouldn’t we...
By Brett Kunkle
The apologetics community could serve the church well not only by doing good work in the philosophy of religion and helping Christians defend the faith, but by helping believers think carefully about all spheres of life. There’s plen...
Social media reveals how poorly we think.
The advent of social media and our latent social media addictions really expose the lack of critical thinking skills in our culture today—and that’s a sad thing! One example, MAVEN had a viral clip on Instag...