By Brett Kunkle
The words of Jesus in Revelation 3:20 are often employed as a call to salvation for individual unbelievers: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will...
By Brett Kunkle
Dear Friend,
Students need space to share their doubts. We all do. If serious questions about Christianity and uncertainty toward God are not recognized and explored, they remain in the heart and mind only to surface farther down...
By Brett Kunkle
Why do you believe what you believe? Seriously, pause for a moment and think hard about that question. What are the reasons behind the beliefs or views you hold? Everyone has beliefs, whether conscious of them or not. Some...
By Brett Kunkle
Do pronouns matter? Yes. It’s not merely a battle over “preferred” pronouns; it’s a battle over reality. What is a pronoun? It’s a word we use to describe the objective nature of reality. He/him and...
By Brett Kunkle
Certainly, the host of intellectual challenges our young people face are a threat to their faith. But how often does the typical evangelical kid face the arguments of an atheist or a skeptic? Don’t misread me. Of course we...
By Brett Kunkle
Porn isn’t a problem, it’s an epidemic. Even celebrities like Billie Eilish, Terry Crews, and Pamela Anderson (yes, that Pamela Anderson, the former Playboy model) are speaking out....
By Brett Kunkle
Should Christians keep children in public schools to be "salt and light"? This, and the larger question of whether Christians should allow their kids to be publicly educated, period, are questions I have been wrestling with...
By Brett Kunkle
I’m bothered. Recently I spoke with a youth worker who told me he was not teaching theology and apologetics to the students in his youth group because he was focusing on “practical Christian...
Social media reveals how poorly we think.
The advent of social media and our latent social media addictions really expose the lack of critical thinking skills in our culture today—and that’s a sad thing! One example, MAVEN...